Commercials for Country/Folk/Bluegrass music performing in concerts & venues
whose music that I played on WHFR 89.3 FM and some that I have interviewed on
"Cool Country" and "The Sunday Country Stroll".
These should have some sort of publicity such as TV & radio commercials that I would like to do
voice-overs for and not just social media.
Pat Alger
Big Country Bluegrass
The Bluegrass Brothers
Alison Brown*
Jill Colucci (koh-LOO-chee)*
Dennis Cyporyn (sih-POHR-in)*, MI
Fowler & Branca*
Steve Free*
Mark Germino (jer-MEEN-oh)*
Vance Gilbert
Jane Gillman
John Gorka*
Gunslinger*, MI
Daniel Stephen Hazlett (HAZE-let)*, MI
Priscilla Herdman*
Tish Hinojosa (hee-noh-HOH-sah)
Insufficient Postage*, MI
James Keelahghan (kee-lah-HAN)*
Alex Lumelsky*, MI
John McCutcheon*
Carrie Newcomer
No Strings Attached*
Maura O’Connell
Mark O’onnor
Patti O’Hara*, MI
Peregrine Way*
Cathie Ryan*, MI
Maria Sangiolo (san-jee-OH-loh)*
Jon Strider*
Chris Thile*
David Walker (David Folks)*
Susan Werner
Cheryl Wheeler
Susan Graham White*
Brooks Williams*
Dar Williams*
Kelly Willis
Diane Zeigler (ZEE-gler)
*: Interviewed on WHFR; MI: from Michigan